Civil Partnership
Our civil partnership service takes the stress and complication out and ensures everything runs smoothly on your special day.
Civil Partnership London
Whether you’re looking to form a civil partnership in London or dissolve a civil partnership, at London Family Solicitor we’re here for whatever you decide.
If you want to dissolve a civil partnership we understand it can sometimes be an emotional experience and could mean changes to your whole life, as well as your finances. Contact us on 020 3755 3151 or send us an email to book your appointment now.
What are Civil Partnerships?
The Civil Partnership Act 2004 allows both heterosexual couples and same-sex couples aged 16 and over to register their relationship as an official Civil Partnership. It’s a fantastic option for couples who don’t wish to have a religious ceremony.
When a couple registers, the Civil Partnership Act grants them many legal rights. Most of these rights apply if the relationship ends or one of the partners dies. The civil partnership gives the surviving partner legal rights to succession of property and the right to claim provision from the deceased partner’s estate. Civil partnership legal rights also include:
- Inheritance tax benefits
- Entitlement to claim in the event of a civil partner suffering a fatal accident
- Employment benefits
- Entitlement to the widow/widower’s pension from a civil partner’s fund
- Immigration considerations
- Claim from a civil partner’s estate
Who can apply for Civil Partnerships?
At London Family Solicitor we provide an incredible range of services for civil partnerships.
We offer advice and assistance on:
Forming civil partnerships
Dissolution of civil partnerships
Financial matters including property
Parental responsibility orders
Pre-marital/pre-partnership agreements
Issues surrounding children
Cohabitation orders
Contact orders
When registering for a civil partnership you will need to provide:
Full name
Written consent (applies if you’re under 18 and need permission from the parents/guardians)
Current relationship status (single, divorced, widowed, etc)
Desired location/venue for the Civil Partnership
How does the Civil Partnership process work?
Applying for a civil partnership is a fairly straightforward process. It’s not unlike applying for civil marriage. There are just a few criteria you need to meet in order to form a civil partnership:
The couple must have lived in England or Wales for at least a week
15 days notice is needed before the ceremony
A time a place must be agreed 15 days before
The location must be legally licensed to perform civil partnership ceremonies
The ceremony cannot be held in a religious premises
Partnership of Registration must be signed before a registrar and two witnesses
What if I Want to End a Civil Partnership?
A civil partnership cannot be dissolved on the grounds of wilful non-consummation of the relationship
Civil partners cannot use adultery as evidence to the breakdown of the relationship
The final part of ending a civil partnership is called a dissolution order (divorces are called “Decree Absolute”)
Unreasonable behaviour
2 years separation by consent
5 years separation
The process of ending a civil partnership involves:
Filing a dissolution petition. This means applying to court for permission to dissolve your civil partnership and include reasons why.
Applying for a conditional order. If your partner agrees to the dissolution petition then you’ll receive a document stating you can divorce.
Applying for a final order. You can only do this 6 weeks after you receive the conditional order. Once you get the final order your civil partnership has legally ended.
At London Family Solicitor we can help you through your civil partnership dissolution. Don’t worry about all the paperwork, we will help you through it and discuss the reasons for dissolving your civil partnership, how you’ll divide money/property/possessions and childcare arrangements.
What are the Advantages of Hiring us for Civil Partnership Dissolution?
Firstly, London Family Solicitor is dedicated to an empathetic approach to civil partnership dissolution. We always aim to approach your issues tactfully and we always try to find the best solution for you.
Hiring a solicitor for civil partnership dissolutions can save you time and stress. Going through a separation is emotionally and physically demanding, so hiring a solicitor to help you can be a relief. You’ll have more time to focus on your life, looking after potential children of the relationship and concentrating on maintaining your wellbeing.
Our family-run business always explains the process clearly and is always on hand to answer any questions you have. We offer cost-effective civil partnership dissolution services catered for your personal situation.
General Hints
and Tips
At London Family Solicitor we are conscious that ending a civil partnership can be an upsetting experience. So here’s a few tips to keep in mind:
- Never accept something you’re not comfortable with. Always seek professional advice.
- Always consider the consequences of a civil partnership dissolution on your children and financial affairs
- If you’re unsure about following through with a civil partnership then it’s wise to book a family mediation meeting to negotiate and discuss issues
- Remember, a civil partnership dissolution only deals with the ending of the civil partnership itself, not financial matters or childcare.
- Always formalise financial matters and childcare.
- If you’re not a British citizen then a civil partnership dissolution could affect your right to stay in the UK
If you do go through with a civil partnership dissolution you will need to inform:
- Landlord/mortgage lender
- Council tax office
- Bill providers (gas, electric, etc)
- Tax office (especially if you’re claiming tax credits)
- Benefits office (if applicable)
- Doctor/dentist
- Credit card companies
- Bank
- Insurance companies
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