Domestic Abuse

If you or your children are experiencing domestic abuse, we can hep you

The decision to draw a line through your relationship, whether caused by domestic violence or not, usually makes family life much more difficult. Domestic violence causes the disruption of many family relationships, it has direct and indirect effects on your life, and it’s vital that you take the first step to end the violence now.

At London Family Solicitor we specialise in providing expert support when it comes to your divorce and finances. We take a considerate and professional approach – so we can offer support and guidance as and when you need it. Contact us on 020 3755 3151 or send us an email to book your appointment now.

What is Domestic Abuse?

As well as physical abuse, domestic violence can be categorised under the following:

  • Constant threats/insults
  • Violence
  • Intimidation
  • Controlling behaviour
  • Financially controlling
  • Sexual violence/abuse
  • Coercive behaviour
  • Emotional abuse
  • Psychological abuse

London family Solicitor is always here to help with any issues you may have surrounding domestic violence. We can direct you to the right support, advise you on what to do next and even help you make safer arrangements for you and your family.

Who can apply for help for domestic abuse?

Unreasonable behaviour happens in all sorts of relationships – it’s your right to live in a safe environment without fear for your health, wellbeing and even your life. If you have suffered any form of the above mentioned forms of domestic violence then don’t delay and get in touch with us today on 020 3755 3151.

The Family Law Act 1996 was put in place to protect victims of domestic violence and our dedicated team will ensure you and your family’s needs are met.

What can we do to help you?

No one should suffer at the hands of domestic violence. There are several measures you can take to prevent it from happening to you. You can talk to us in absolute confidence about your situation and we will tailor our service to meet your exact needs and requirements.

At London Family Solicitor we can advise you on which court order to obtain to stop the abuser from entering into your home, as well as helping you get support from various organisations and charities. We can advise you on two types of court order designed to protect you from domestic violence and abuse:

Non-Molestation Order

This domestic violence court order can be used to restrain the abuser from using threatening violence towards you or your children and from any form of molestation. It can also be used as a restraint against the abuser who uses other people to threaten or use violence against you and your family. The police can give you extra protection if the abuser breaches the order, as it is a criminal offence and they could be arrested.

Occupation Order

This order prevents the abuser from entering within a certain distance of the home or the entire home altogether. If the person has already left the property then an Occupation Order can be used to make sure they do not return. If the order is breached then the police can arrest without a warrant and the abuser will be taken into custody.

Renting your home? It doesn’t matter. You can still obtain either of the court orders and transfer the tenancy into someone else’s name to prevent the abuser from returning. If you are worried you cannot afford to live in your property without your partner, then the court can order your partner to make mortgage or rental payments for a length of time.

No matter how severe the extent of domestic violence is, you don’t have to suffer alone. London Family Solicitor are here to help. We have years of experience in dealing with all kinds of domestic violence cases and we have helped many people escape from abuse. Give us a call on 020 3755 3151 or send us an email to book your appointment now – we’re always there to help.

What are the warning signs
of domestic abuse?

Sometimes, it can be hard to realise you’re the victim of domestic violence – especially if your partner has been manipulating you. There are a few warning signs of domestic violence to watch out for. Does your partner:


Threaten/Frighten you with what he/she says?


Pick at your faults and tell you you’re worthless?


Control when and where you see friends and family?


Refuse to let you have a separate social life?


Control your finances - without good reason?


Physically harm you in any way?

If so, then seek help immediately. Even if your partner also realises he/she is being abusive then they must seek professional help such as counselling.

General Hints
and Tips

Domestic violence is absolutely unacceptable in all cases. At London Family Solicitor we provide the care and information you need to live without fear of threatening or violent behaviour. Here are a few hints to help:

  • Know that you’re not to blame. No matter how bad your partner has made you feel – you don’t deserve to suffer domestic violence
  • Think of the effect domestic violence has on your children. Even if your partner isn’t abusing your children, it doesn’t mean they’re not affected by it.
  • Have an emergency phone on hand so you can contact your friends and family in an emergency
  • Never suffer in silence. Don’t be afraid to speak out.
  • Keep money, clothes and other necessities close by at home so you can leave if there’s an emergency. It’s also important to keep your passport, ID, birth certificate, bank cards and any other vital paperwork in a safe place away from your partner.
  • Make note of any domestic abuse instances so you can support your case in court.
  • Make a copy of the keys to your house and give them to a trusted friend or relative to keep in case of emergency.
  • Report all injuries to your GP or hospital.
  • Always have a plan – make sure you always have somewhere safe to stay if you need to leave your home immediately.

Are you considering a divorce? Contact us on 020 3755 3151 or email us at where we are here every step of the way to help you through the process.

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